Winter is the perfect time to treat pigmentation! Because sun exposure is minimal, you can treat dark spots more aggressively while giving your skin space to heal.
We asked our team of skin experts what treatments deliver the best results for their clients...

"Professional-grade Chemical Peels, combined with quality home care, are a great place to start treating hyperpigmentation.
Chemical Peels can help remove surface layers of pigment, lightening while at the same time allowing for greater penetration of topical treatments."
- Jennifer, Owner and Esthetician

"My patients see excellent results with IPL and Clear + Brilliant Touch.
IPL targets pigment in the skin directly, making it very effective for scattered sun spots and for lighter skin.
Clear + Brilliant triggers overall skin renewal, improving and preventing hyperpigmentation in the process. Clear + Brilliant is a great choice for melasma and darker skin tones. Everyone's skin is unique, so a consultation is a great place to start."
- Karen, RN

Our team of skin care experts would love to help you achieve your skin goals! Book your appointment for a consultation to develop a treatment plan specifically for your skin: 406-541-8466